GUP #58
Theme: Delicate
A photograph is always a delicate object. Paper can tear, ink can fade, and even a digital image isn’t safe: hard drives can crash. Instead of fearing this inherent delicacy, some photographers featured in this issue embrace it and at times even use it to their advantage.
As Tiane Doan na Champassak explains in his interview, he not only accepted damage done to his prints, but it actually inspired him to celebrate imperfections. Thomas Demand plays with the fragility and temporality of paper in a different way: by making constructions only to tear them down after taking his picture. Several other photographers, like Saul Leiter and cover star Ryan James Caruthers, display a different kind of delicacy: the intimate relationship between photographer and model.
Cover Photo: Ryan James Caruthers
Photographers included in this issue:
Christopher Anderson, Verena Blok, Ryan James Caruthers, Tiane Doan na Champassak, Jakc Davison, Thomas Demand, James Greenhalgh, Sjoerd Knibbeler, Eva O’Leary, Saul Leiter, Habiba Nowrose, Laura Pannack, Mac Pinckers, Bruno V. Roels, Senta Simond, Laura Stevens, Thomas Vandenberge.
Christopher Anderson, Verena Blok, Ryan James Caruthers, Tiane Doan na Champassak, Jakc Davison, Thomas Demand, James Greenhalgh, Sjoerd Knibbeler, Eva O’Leary, Saul Leiter, Habiba Nowrose, Laura Pannack, Mac Pinckers, Bruno V. Roels, Senta Simond, Laura Stevens, Thomas Vandenberge.
August 2018
180 pages (paper by Fedrigoni®)
180 pages (paper by Fedrigoni®)
225 x 166 mm