GUP #007
Theme: Dutch Masters
Portraits, interiors, landscapes. Three genres that gave Dutch painters their name and fame and also provide photography with a rich source of inspiration. Their refined technique, use of light and perspective, and the attention to detail turned Rembrandt, Hals, Vermeer, Van Ruisdael and Steen into Dutch Masters.
The characteristics of Dutch Masters are a rich source of inspiration for the medium of photography. In this issue, you can read about the portraiture of Hendrik Kerstens, the landscapes of Hans van der Meer and interiors captured by Marrigje de Maar.
Cover Photo: Ed van der Elsken
Photographers included in this issue:
Betsie van der Meer, Marrigje de Maar, Willeke Duijvekam, Chantal Spieard, Ed van der Elsken, Hans van der Meer, Hendrik Kerstens, Ata Kando.
November 2006
96 pages
210 x 148 mm