GUP #025
Theme: Street
Observing people can be an interesting pastime, but for some it is more than just a hobby. Street photographers are among those people that enjoy staring in public as much as biologists enjoy watching animals in the wild.
In this issue we offer a Broadway of street photographers, from apprentices to masters, covering all possible styles and techniques.
Cover Photo: Jamel Shabazz
Photographers included in this issue:
Joris Bruring, Dennis Suijnhouwer, Sion Fullana, Catharina Gerritsen, Bruce Gilden, Francesco Giusti, Martijn van de Griendt, Alexandra Hunts, William Klein, Helen Levitt, Myrte van Leyden, Sion Fullana, Joel Meyerowitz, Matt Stuart, David Solomons, Jessy Marlow, Henk Otte, Sophie can der Perre, Rahi Rezvani, Jamel Shabazz, David Solomons, Bram Spaan, Matt Stuart, Vrederick George William, Garry Winogrand.
June 2010
132 pages
225 x 168 mm