GUP #032
Theme: Mexico
What is 'Mexican photography'? Well, there is no clear definition. Are the celebrated photographers with their modernist black and white aesthetics more Mexican than the emerging talents who dare to show the country from different angles?
The young photographers who reflect on the fast-changing social landscape are worthy of following in the footsteps of Antonio Turok, Marco Antonio Cruz and Lourdes Grobet. All are included. From Manuel Alvarez Bravo to Mauricio Palos and from Graciela Iturbide to Alinka Exhevarria, you have to make the leap just to understand the minimum of ‘Mexican photography’.
Cover Photo: Joaquin Trujillo
Photographers included in this issue:
Melba Arellano, Francisco Mata Rosas, Alinka Echeverria, Nicola Okin Frioli, Antonio Turok, Fernando Brito, Arno Roncada, Mauricio Palos, Joaquin Trujillo, Alejandro Cartagena.
January 2012
180 pages
225 x 166 mm