GUP #038
Theme: Collaboration
To acknowledge the team efforts that often go into works of photography, GUP #38 is all about a revival in the wisdom of '1+1=3'. The contemporary practice of photography demonstrates that the medium can be so much more than just the physical end product of solitary artists' endeavours.
Of course, collaborations between artists is nothing new in itself, but there seems to be a trend emerging in photography which suggests a collective rethinking of the individual enterprise.
Cover Photo: Billy & Hells
Photographers included in this issue:
Synchrodogs, PUTPUT, Onorato & Krebs, Sputnik Collective, Olga Kravets/ Maria Morina / Oksana Yushko, Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs, Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin, Dagmar Keller & Martin Wittwer, Frank Driessen / City Archive Amsterdam, Julian Germain / Patricia Azevedo / Morilo Godoy, March Feustel, Ben Krewinkel.
August 2013
244 pages
225 x 166 mm