GUP #045
Theme: Evolution
How are we to understand the changes that have taken place over time? How are we even to see them? Looking from one moment to the next, or one image to the next, it’s difficult to identify the moment of change. The ‘before’ and ‘after’ are clearly visible, but where exactly does the evolution occur? Could photography – that brilliant medium of ‘capturing time’ and ‘freezing moments’ – give us a glimpse into the arcane?
What will happen first: will we discover that photography is no longer sufficient to communicate the complex messages that we want to convey, or will our images outgrow us, reaching capabilities we cannot even comprehend? As the medium of photography morphs from its analogue, alchemical roots into new digital forms and distant stars.
Cover Photo: Joan Fontcuberta
Photographers included in this issue:
Joan Fontcuberta, Alec Soth, Brandon Juhasz, Danila Tkachenko, Dave Imms, Fernando Moleres, Christian Berthelot, IOCOSE, Swen Renault, Jan Rosseel, Natan Dvir, Matthew Swarts, Regula Bochsler, Yann Mingard, Danila Tkachenko.
Joan Fontcuberta, Alec Soth, Brandon Juhasz, Danila Tkachenko, Dave Imms, Fernando Moleres, Christian Berthelot, IOCOSE, Swen Renault, Jan Rosseel, Natan Dvir, Matthew Swarts, Regula Bochsler, Yann Mingard, Danila Tkachenko.
May 2015
180 pages
180 pages
225 x 166 mm