Limited Edition Unlock 56/66

Limited Edition Unlock 56/66

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Limited edition - Unlock GUP #66  

Discover a wonderful world of the Dutch photographer Justine Tjallinks (b. 1984) together with the new limited edition issue of GUP #66 - Unlock that will be available with an actual print of the cover. The cover image, GLORY, 2020 is a portrait of Juno influenced by Modern Realist works of art by the English painter and etcher Gerald Leslie Brockhurst (1890-1978). This photograph is inspired by the painting 'Delores' created in 1922, where models' unflinching gaze and direct pose hold the viewer's attention but doesn't reveal anything about the character.

The issue #66 Unlock also brings up the acquainted to all of us the theme of the lockdown and social isolation. At the end of the day, who wants to live inside forever?! Are we designed to be caterpillars or to become butterflies? It seems we all had our coming out in these dark months - forced to stay home, we unlocked our fears and our desires for a brighter future. GUP #66 is concerned with arrest and the aspiration of setting free, presenting artists and people from all over the planet who all feel that it is about time to become liberated from the burdens of the past; to return to a form of normality with renewed spirit and courage, facing the many challenges that life imposes on us.

Please note: shipping will happen after September 15.